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The Cortiical blog

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4 ways VR is revolutionising soft skills

It is often said that hard skills get you hired; soft skills determine your career progression.

Cortiical attends DHL safety week

Read how DHL New Zealand incorporated VR into their safety week with help from Cortiical.

Fitness class inside the metaverse?

The possibilities are endless. Workout anywhere, anytime, with anyone.

Top 5 VR Headsets for Enterprise

In this post we go over our top 5 Virtual Reality headsets for enterprise use in 2022.

Train without risk or expense

Learn how training with VR can be beneficial for your employees and organisation.

Are you ready to turn your vision into reality?

Try our free VR discovery programme.

What you get:
1 x Virtual Reality headset, loaded with 8 VR modules
Start guide, setup and operation introduction zoom call
Trial survey results presented to you at completion